Sunday, November 27, 2011


Video 2
Video 2 has the techno music my husband selected in's an easy fix if you want to change it.
video 3

The cap is 60seconds (we need like 5min), and we're right there on both 2 is 59.94 sec and video 3 is at 55.54 seconds. Let me know what you think and what I need to change :)

Also, I'm not too sure about the end (my husband says it looks great...he likes video 2 the best)

Monday, September 13, 2010

New information

Just got a call from the Agency....
NEGATIVE results on the implant, no baby for the couple I donated to :( I'm sad!
They are going to try again in a few weeks.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Almost back to normal

Everything is going great. It's been a little over a week I'm still a bit bloated and my breasts are still very tender. I'm suppose to start my period this week and then the HcG hormone will be out of my system and then everything will be back to normal :) Yipee!!! I still only gained 2lbs during the whole process, I haven't lost the weight yet, but I plan on starting up my exercise routine again this week.
I did receive my compensation check last Thursday (it only took 5 days).

Thursday, September 2, 2010

More information

I called the IVF Clinic Nurse to give her an update on how I've been feeling (this is part of the process, I will call again next week too). I advised her I feel great! No pain at all. The only issues I've been having is 1. I'm still really bloated and 2. my breasts are tender- both should go away next week when I start my period.
She also let me know the fertilization process was a success and they did the embryo transfer yesterday. So...I should know by next week or the week after if the intended parents are pregnant. Yipee!!!
If they are pregnant the baby(s) would be due around MaY 20, 2011

Monday, August 30, 2010

Procedure and Post-procedure

Sorry for the delayed post but here it is...

Thursday... afternoon we drove the 3+ hours to our hotel (it took a little longer than normal to drive since we went during 5 o'clock traffic). We stopped at a park along the way only to find out the hotel had a complimentary dinner :( Our hotel room was super-nice. A one bedroom suite with a kitchenette!

Friday... morning I got up at 6am. My friend met me downstairs to drive me to the clinic, while my husband stayed at the hotel with the kids. I only had to sit in the waiting room of the clinic for 15min before they called me back to be prepped. Once back in the Procedure room, they had me undress from the waist down, get on the table and cover with the 2 blankets. A few minutes later, a nurse came in and told me the anesthesiologist would be in soon, while we waited she hooked me up with a saline drip and a nice needle in my arm then left for a couple minutes. I remember waiting 15min before the IVF doctor came in, but I don't remember even seeing the anesthesiologist. I remember nothing regarding the procedure or even of being sedated! I woke up in the recovery room 25min later (I know this because I looked at the clock when the IVF doctor came in and they had a nice clock in the recover room). When I woke up, they went and got my friend from the waiting room. I only remember parts of the recovery like: I was super sore and gassy! and a bit nauseated, I remember there was a lady next to me that was in a lot of pain and they gave her a shot in the butt (I'm so glad my pain wasn't that bad), I remember having to go to the bathroom, but having no idea how I got there, I have no idea how I got dressed, but I did, Also, I remember telling my friend how to get validated for parking, but I do not remember walking down the long hall to the elevator or even the elevator ride, I remember talking on the way back to the hotel, but I don't remember the ride. Once back at the hotel, I was still really sore so I sat and relaxed a bit while my kids finished their movie. We decided to take the long way home...PCH! It was beautiful!!! It ended up taking us an extra 3hrs to get home, but we stopped for a few hours at Santa Monica Pier. By the time we got home, I was a really sore so I went to bed right away.

Saturday...I ended getting up really early since it was my son's birthday and I had to get ready for his party. I was still a sore, but not bad, kind of like period cramps, and I had a lot of gas. After the two parties (our friends had a birthday party for their little one too) and dinner with my family, I could tell I should have relaxed a bit more! I wasn't sore enough to take any pain meds, but I was pretty sore.

Sunday...I relaxed the whole day minus the little bit of baking I did! Super-nice. I was still a little sore today, but not as bad as Saturday. Sunday night, my husband and I had sex. I was a bit nervous (I didn't want to hurt), but afterwards I felt great! Actually I felt better than I did all day, almost like the sex helped! Super-cool.

Monday-I feel super-good! Very minimal pain and a lot less gas! Very cool. I may even start exercising on Tuesday.

I am taking an antibiotic that I finish today.
I gained a total of 3lbs and have lost all but 1lb
I still am a bit bloated, but other than that I'm back to normal

I would definitely do this again!

NOTES for next time:
*just have your driver drop you off, that way they don't have to sit in the waiting room
*dress warmer! I was cold
*after the procedure, drink more and relax more. Maybe even sleep for the rest of the day
*get the hotel for the night before and the next day!

Oh and for anyone who wants to know... they only got 12 eggs. Not exactly the amount they wanted (20-28), but it's the quality not the quantity they want :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day before the procedure

So, last night I slept soooooo good!!! The best sleep I've had in awhile! I took the first of the antibiotic this morning at breakfast, I will take another tonight after dinner (it's a 2x's a day for 5days antibiotic). I feel great today, I'm thinking because I slept so good last night (the kids didn't even wake up). I'm very excited about tomorrow!
We leave for the hotel today, we should be there around 7pm, if we don't hit any traffic (my husband's getting off work early). I have to be at the clinic tomorrow no later than 8am... I will try to post more tomorrow, if I'm feeling well enough.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Injections: day 19

So my injections went well tonight.
I administered the Follistim (425units) and the Menopur (75units) today at 4:30pm. Nothing new to report.
At 9:30pm I gave myself the 2 Ovidrel shots (250 units in each)! I didn't feel a thing. The video is below of the Ovidrel shots. (Don't worry about the bruise, that is from last week when I hit a blood doesn't hurt. I keep rubbing it, but it's going to take awhile to go away).
I still feel very tired and irritable. I am also still very crampy. Still no weight gain. I've been drinking a lot since I got home, so maybe that will help with the camps and the sudden headache I now have.

*sorry no music with this just get me this time :)