Monday, August 23, 2010

injections: day 17

This morning I went to the clinic close to my house for a check up. I had my blood drawn first and then an ultrasound of my ovaries. The ultrasound tech was not very nice, she told me that my eggs were about a day behind and they would probably move the extraction date from Friday to Saturday. I told her that Saturday would be a problem for me since it is my son's 4th Birthday (and my friend's baby's 1st Birthday). She then told me that I didn't really have a say in the matter. Ugh!!! I hate rude people, she's not even a doctor! What the heck does she know, and for that matter, I'm not getting the extraction done here...I'm getting it done 3hrs from here!!!
Anyway, I left the clinic and when I got home I called the Fertility Clinic. The nurse there told me they would not be doing it on Saturday and that if my eggs were not ready on Friday, they would do it on Monday (so there, you rude ultrasound tech, I did get my way). Which if they did the removal on Monday I would have to continue the injections until Saturday night, instead of being done on Wednesday night. The nurse upped one of my medications (the Follistim) from 150 to 300 for tonight and tomorrow night. I'll be getting another shipment of meds on Tuesday (tomorrow). On Wednesday, I will make the 3hr trip south to the Fertility Clinic to get another Ultrasound by the Fertility Doctor ( ultrasound tech!!!)
I'm feeling very weak today. I am very tired. I feel like I am 9mo pregnant, but without the belly; it's hard to sit, my insides feel like they're going to fall out, my lower back hurts, can't sleep, etc (I asked the Fertility Nurse and she said this was normal). I also caught my son's cold, so that doesn't help either. On the good side, I've yet to gain any weight...the normal weight gain is 5-10lbs, I'll be interesting to see what I weigh after the extraction on Friday (or Monday) shots for today
Lupron 5units (am)
Follistim 300units (pm)
Menopur 75units (pm)stim

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