Thursday, July 15, 2010


Tuesday night, I made the 3 hour drive to a friend's house, near the "fertility clinic", so I wouldn't have to drive in traffic the next morning. I still ended up stopping for over an hour due to traffic (I went shopping), but it would have been a lot worse if I left Wednesday morning.
Anyway, I arrived at my psych evaluation at 8am on Wednesday. The office was nice, it was off to the side of her house and it overlooked the ocean! There was a guard at the gate who was really nice and showed me where to go. It took the whole 2hrs. for her to ask me the questions she had and for me to take a written test and then one on the computer (338 questions, btw). I even made the psychologist laugh a few times. I was super-tired when I was done!!! 2 hours of questioning!!! Of course, some of it was kinda silly (to me anyway). She asked a lot about my life now and my family; if there were any medical problems, if we got along, what I liked about each one of them and what I liked about myself, my goals, etc.
At 1pm I had my physical. I was in the waiting room for 30min before they called me back to be seen by the "IVF Doctor" (aka Fertility doctor). While I was waiting, my rep. from the "Egg Donation Agency" to arrive. The rep told me the physiologist had already sent over my clearance!!! YIPEE... A little while later, we were shown to a conference room. The IVF doctor arrived shortly after. She talked to me for a bit...asked why I wanted to do this and then gave a demo on the procedure. Afterward, she brought me and my rep (from the egg donation agency) to another room where she did the PAP and the ultrasound (the IVF doctor said my ovaries looked great). Then I was brought to another conference room to discuss dates of egg removal. While I was waiting I gave about 12 vials of blood and a urine sample. When the IVF coordinator came in she advised me on the dates I would start the injections...2 weeks from now! OMG, that soon. No worries....She showed me all of the medications and how to administer the injections (I knew how to do most of them as my Step-Dad is diabetic and uses something similar). She also had me sign some paperwork.
So, I am now waiting for information on my Lawyer so I can sign the contracts and also for the IVF coordinator to call me and let me know if I need to switch birth control or if I am to stay on the ones I'm currently taking.

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