Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Still Waiting!!

I called the nurse at the "Fertility Clinic" today. Finally got a hold of her...we've been playing phone tag with each other for the last week now :) She advised me that I am to continue to take my BCP until I get to the sugar pills (the last week), then I am to stop and throw the pack away. When I start my period (next Wednesday), I am to call her that day and let her know I've started. I am also that day, suppose to start a new pack of BCP. The injections will start on the 7th.
I also got a hold of my agent at the "Egg Donation Agency". I gave her all the info the nurse at the fertility clinic gave me, and she gave me the name of my lawyer (the clinic will not send me the shots until they've received all the paperwork from the lawyer). She also gave me the name of the clinic here, where I live, so I won't have to drive 3hrs south for the weekly check-ups (I'll only have to go to there for the last 2 appointments...on August 25th and 27th).
I called the lawyer and she advised me she hadn't gotten any paperwork from the recipient's lawyer and as soon as she did she would call me, which hopefully is soon since I start the injections in a week and a half.

So...I wait some more.

Side note---I think it's super-weird that all the people I've talked to during the whole process are female..where are all the guys??? Do women not see male doctors for fertility? I actually prefer male doctors over female.

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